Saturday, August 1, 2009

+ august planning. & etc. +


i rarely blog on the weekends as i am much too ADHD to sit down and construct anything from start to finish, unless it's food. so, this will probably be updated throughout the day, and only truly completed on monday when i'm glued to my office chair at work correcting all the mistakes i've made over the weekend.

at some point today though, i will be doing my august planning, like i did last month.

home decor.

this before & after kitchen from absolutely amazed me:

fashion trend.

so, from browsing lookbook and stockholmstreetstyle a bit i've noticed a very odd thing. oversized tops are in again (thank god), but that isn't what's odd. a handful of these girls are wearing their daddy's shirts. hm. interesting.

more found here, here, here, and here. go look. really.

other blogs.

please go read belle chantelle's post, "turmoil" if you haven't already clicked thru to the blog of the week and read it on your own. her second post, along the same line, is here. you would be well off to read it, as well.


i am in the middle of getting a DAM method down for my photography. what a nightmare. i brought it upon myself though. i should have established a better method for keeping myself organized before i completely filled my entire harddrive with images. :\ here are two photos i found and flickr'd.

[self portrait]


oh...i have to go do something...i will be back!

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i love your comments. it's nice to know you read and care, so leave me one and i'll do my best to say hello.

i always want to know who is reading my blog, so i can browse yours.

love love.