About + Contact

Oh baby.

I struggle with these, but here goes.

I'm 24 years old and 50/50 left-brained/right-brained & the most extroverted introvert you'll ever meet.  It's a hell of a ride.

I'm a tech and arts girl, and I absolutely love people. I write frequently - and a lot of it ends up here. In some places, I feel a lot - and some places, not at all. So I try to use my words to fix both. I believe that Jesus is the absolute truth we have been looking for, and it is by furious love alone that I live. I fight the religion in my flesh and seek the grace that doesn't come easily. He has whispered much to us in the darkness, and this is my attempt to obey Him and shout it out in the daylight.

I had a 9-5 job and was pursuing a degree in Human Development & Family Sciences  - but I just went freelance! I am now traveling the country with my fiance HUSBAND & writing, adventure-ing & designing blogs along the way. I'm a photographer and I'm shamelessly addicted to aesthetics.

I'm an awkward clash between a Southern belle and a West Coast mover and shaker. I stand up for men and I defend women. I believe we can be assets and not liabilities.

I live to help, inspire, create, and teach others, while learning and loving along the way.

Nothing makes me happier than being outdoors.

You'll find me active here on my blog, Tumblr, Twitter - and I email a lot too.

I run Good Women Project, and am beyond passionate about women knowing their worth. I know death in the heart of a woman, and I have found the life that can come. I will fight for that life in behalf of women until the day I die.  I'm around to speak, write about or interview for it.

Much love.

PS. I am not a cat person.
PPS. I just got married to the love of my life, and now I kind of sort of like cats. Also, I am now Lauren Dubinsky, not Lauren Lankford.

Twitter: @laurendubinsky & @goodwomenproj

Facebook: facebook.com/laurendubinsky

Email: laurennicolelove[at]gmail.com * I currently cannot reply to all emails. I'm sorry. :(

Tumblr: laurennicolelove.tumblr.com

Flickr: flickr.com/lauren_nicole

Portfolio: laurennicolelove.carbonmade.com

Shop: laurennicolelove.bigcartel.com

Website: laurennicolelove.com