Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Biggest Life Update Post Ever.


I love these blog posts. Sometimes its nice to just talk to all of you about life. Right now. What this week looks like. So, I want to catch everyone up to speed and give a big, huge wave to everyone on the Internet that I love!

1. I've been traveling all around the country for the last 5 months with Max. I've gotten to meet lots of you, see some of you dear friends again, and go on crazy adventures. It will take me years to unpacked everything I've learned, seen, and loved. God has done amazing things with my heart: pulling me out of my past, making me new, and teaching me to live with nothing.

2. I'm currently apartment hunting in PORTLAND. Yes, I'm moving across the country! We are staying with my dear friend @haleykristine and spending awesome amounts of time with @emelina and @allyspotts and @oldetime and soon to be more of you. Because there are just so many people in PDX that rock.

3. I got ENGAGED in Dallas and getting MARRIED in...two weeks I think? In Denver, on September 3rd, on a cliff - small, simple, entirely budgetless and so beautiful. I am so unbelievably excited to be marrying a man who is my best friend, my greatest cheerleader, and who makes me better in every single way. Our WEDDING site is pretty awesome and it tells our ridiculous and crazy love story:

4. In this search for a new HOME that I am so beyond excited for - I've been reminded of just how much money it takes to get settled. (I might get a garden!!!!! And won't live out of a duffel bag anymore!!!!!) So, I am offering ADVERTISING space on my blog & booking BLOG DESIGN projects for October. And if you'd like to give me & my sweet man a wedding gift...well, that'd be a wildly appreciated gift. I am also selling pretty photographs on my SHOP, but they will not be shipped until September, for obvious reasons. :)

5. Max & I just found out we cannot eat dairy, eggs, or gluten - so have any awesome recipes or resources? Comment them, please!!

6. A personal favor? Could you tell your friends and Facebook/Twitter networks about my blog design services & advertising/sponsorship spots? It would mean the world! <3

7. If you're in Portland, tell me!

Until next time, lovely people - I'll be seeing you on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Congrats!!! That's so awesome!!

  2. That picture of you two is adorable. We are beyond happy for you. We love you. We miss you. I'm choking up just thinking about you two. That about sums it up.

  3. So excited for you! So many changes happening in your life :)

    I'll be in Denver, CO on Sept. 2 for my best friend/roommate's wedding - it's so beautiful out there and what a fun place to have a wedding for you, on a cliff! So fun, and I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful (and I know you will be too)!

  4. I *love* that picture of you and Max! So classy! And I can't wait to read about y'all's wedding. You two are an inspiration.

    Cutting out dairy, sugar, and gluten is pretty easy (I rarely eat either). Cutting out eggs is a bit harder to imagine because eggs are a cheap, versatile protein source. Some good resources include the Whole30 Success Guide (, Everyday Paleo (, and Robb Wolf's site ( I've also recently fallen in love with the *Everyday Paleo* cookbook by Sarah Faragoso, and of course, Mark Bittman's *How to Cook Everything* and *The Food Matters Cookbook*

    Good luck!

  5. miller[dot]steve[dot]w[at]gmail[dot]com <---- one of my best friends in the entire universe and can't have gluten. Going out to eat with him is a pain in the butt - but you get used to it. Email him and he and/or his family can give you some tips. I remember we used to get food for him from Whole Foods, and they had this gluten free bread that was AMAZING heated up with honey. And most stores now have gluten free sections. They might be small, but at least it's a start. :)

  6. That picture of you and Max is fabulous -- so bursting with love and joy. I'm stoked for you guys! Congrats! Do we get to see wedding pictures?

  7. has a lot of gluten-free, vegan recipes.

  8. Congratulations... to all of those things! So rad! I'll be moving to Portland in the next month or so. I'm excited.

    Also, I think there's a solid vegan iPhone app. I don't remember the name though.

    Again, congratulations!

  9. ummm hello i live in portland {ok the AREA} and i love people and adventure and think you're cool. just saying. :)

  10. That is the cutest picture EVER. You guys are beautiful and I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!

  11. You're an incredibly blessed girl and are lucky to have such a wonderful man in your life. And not to mention all the support you've got stretched across this country! Keep going, girl.

  12. I've never read your posts here (only at DS), but had to read your big, exciting life-change post.

    Seriously? This is SO adorable.

    All the best in the world to y'all.


    P.S. I'm g-free and it's a pain in my ass. :)

  13. Congratulations! I've been so excited to see all the updates on the blog, social media, etc.

    I was recently diagnosed as gluten-sensitive as well. My best recommendation is to start with the natural things and shop the produce section of the grocery store first. The nutrients that can be found in fruits and vegetables are just remarkable! Natural food is your best (and most delicious) resource. I love finding recipes online, and one of my favorite food blogs is Gluten-Free Girl (

    Blessings on your marriage and your move! I can't wait to learn more about this adventure.

  14. The good news (on top the heaps and heaps of good news in your life right now) is that Portland is probably one of THE most gluten-intolerant/vegan friendly places you'll ever see. Here's a link for a website that lists zillions of gluten free restaurants (many are vegan as well):

    Also, do you already have a church in mind for your big move? If not, may I recommend Door of Hope? It's my home church and I ADORE it.


  15. gluten is easiest as there are now lots of gluten free products. The key is how much gluten is too much. For some even having cruton on a salad and then having them removed is too much.

    How about split peas and lentils? anything there? if so look to make a veggie or meat if you so desire lentil soup (Lentils, onions, carrots, onions celery and a good hot pepper if you like spicy. Also gazpacho is good this season;

    Also mashed potatoes with soy milk and margarine. For flour look at potatao starch. Also quinua is gluten free I think.

    Pasta primavera with guten free pasta. the list goes on and on.

  16. Lauren, Here is the link you need this is the Celiac Spue Association. They are wonderful people and they can put you in touch with nutritional resources that will make your mouth water. I know of them through the digestive disease coalition and we lobby together on Capital HIll once a year on behalf of people like yourself if have one of a number of digestive diseases. (I have other problems) Mary A. Schluckebierbecause, the exectutive director is a wonder person. Look her up and she will know someone who can help.

  17. I'll be in Portland this weekend.
    Me and my two feet.

  18. I LOVE that photo of you two!

    I know that there are lots of gluten-free/vegan blogs out there. You could try MealsandMovesBlog, or TheNonDairyQueen, or maybe KathEats (KERF). There are probably way more, but those are the three I thought of first... :)

  19. Good luck with the move, the wedding, and most of all; the rest of your lives together.

    I dont know about dairy and eggs, but there's plenty of glutenfree options... this woman knows quite a bit:

  20. Hello! I've peeked in here and there and am so happy to hear about the wedding! So exciting and wildly romantic.
    So a little suggestion for your #5...

  21. Here is a good resource for great recipes for your dietary restrictions:

    Your love story gives me hope! Blessings and happiness!

  22. LOVE THAT PICTURE!!!! You're engaged?!?! Where and when did I miss this?!?! AH! Congrats <3

  23. just happened across your blog via a friend, welcome to my town! :) you are coming to the MOST gf-df-awesome in general place (minus the rain, but oh well you can't have it all :)), so WELCOME. :) i've been dairy-free my whole life and my fiance is much happier when he leaves out the wheat, so i've been on the same recipe journey you have. i use pintrest to collect recipes for my own benefit, but you may like some of them too!

    enjoy getting to know your new home!

  24. Someone may have mentioned this already, but Hallelujah Acres is a health ministry and there are tons of meat and dairy free recipes on their website at I'm a vegan myself and use this pretty regularly as a resource. Blessings! <3


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