Tuesday, September 21, 2010

+ so overwhelmed. and photos of aubrie. +

Oh. My. Gosh. I do not know what happened this week. I guess all of this was just building and finally exploded today. Way short on money and I'm pretty sure half the people I know are irritated with me being MIA. I really don't understand how the rest of you all keep up. How do you keep all your bills paid? How do you remember to take your vitamins? How do you answer the emails you get and follow through with every person you tell you'll hang out with them? How do you organize the massive piles of mail that come in, and figure out what bills take priority? Etc etc etc.

All I know right now is that I suddenly need exponentially more time, and more money. Just to figure out the nightmare that is my bank account. Bank accounts. Bleh.

Time to work more, and book more shoots. Speaking of, any of you all want some pictures taken? Doing them cheap! Requirement: Be in Columbus. Hah.

I took Aubrie's senior photos this past weekend. I really love how they turned out. It obviously helps that she's adorable and has a beautiful smile and incredible blue eyes.

So yeah. How do you guys do it? How do you stay organized? What do you do when people flip out because you don't have enough time to do everything? Help.

You told me that I wouldn’t find a home
Beneath the fragile substance of my soul
And I have filled this void with things unreal
And all the while my character it steals

And you, you’ve gone too far this time
You have neither reason nor rhyme
With which to take this soul that is so rightfully mine

- - -

PS. I am trying to raise money to stay in school! Does anyone have $10 or $50 or $howevermuch they can donate? It would mean the world to me. Help Me Stay In College


  1. i don't know how people do it, either. i find myself in that place too often, myself. not quite sure how to keep up with everything...

    but, on the positive side, the photos are lovely. i especially like the one with the tree branches/berries and in the tunnel. :)

  2. Love that last pic! (I mean they're all gorgeous but that's my fave)
    I'm working on this whole organizing thing. Lots of lists and notebooks. ha! You just can't do everything and can't please everybody. Prioritize!!! That's exactly what I'm working on. And I'm loving it!

  3. These photos are gorgeous - seriously! I agree, the berries and tunnel are my favs too, although I also love the hands holding the grasses.

    I'm reading a book called "Lies Women Believe" and one of the lies mentioned is that there isn't enough time - in reality there is ALWAYS enough time to do all that God wants us to do that day. If we're overwhelmed, that means there's some things on our to-do list that aren't on God's. That struck me so much that I had to share it. (I'm an old friend of your sister's by the way, and we went to veritas one year together :)

    Love the blog and your work! Praying for you!

  4. Wow your photos are stunning!! You're a very talented photographer, I think my favourite is the 2nd one. I hope you manage to get all your bills sorted...I think everyone gets overwhelmed by those things x

  5. @tori yes, it's a nightmare. if i learn any life-saving tips i'll be sure to share them with you! hah.

    @jamie aw yeah, i just wrote in my journal earlier today that i need to go back to to-do lists. i despise them, but sometimes they are outrageously necessary. i'm planning on doing that all tonight soon as i get home from work.

    @rachel thank you so much! i have been looking for good books to read while i bike at the gym; i will have to find that one and read it. thank you for the encouragement and prayers. much love. <3

  6. @steph aw thank you! yes, aren't her blue eyes AMAZING in that second and third one? i love them!

  7. for me life's chaos tends to come in waves. one week i'm super busy and can't keep up and i wish for some "down-time". then things cool down and i long for more phone calls, prospects and projects. oh well...guess that's just human nature! at least i'm doing what i LOVE : )

    liking the picts! (ps thanks for visiting my blog. enjoying yours as well. )

  8. gorgeous photos!! you truly have a gift :)

  9. Wow, these photos are incredible! And she is so beautiful!

    I don't have any advice for you.. but I was reminded of this song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVgtQIGbX0w

    Take care, hope things get a bit easier for you soon!

  10. Beautiful photos! love the 5th one!
    I use my google calender for everything. It has a place for tasks and events and sends me reminders.
    I use the to do list thing in my phone too!
    It helps, but sometimes I still miss things.

  11. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and I'm not sure how to keep up with everything either. I'm having a horrible time with it now. You just have to find a rhythm that works best for you.


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