Saturday, July 31, 2010

+ mascara review +

Okay, ladies. This is going to be the shortest beauty product review you've ever read, because I really only have one thing to say: MAC Opulash is the best. You can stop reading now.

But really, for years I've been on the hunt for the best mascara, because it's the only cosmetic product I use regularly. Every time I've found a "good" one as in "oh this is way better than that awful YouCanHaveLashesAsVolumizedAsVacuumCleanerBrushes XXXXXL!! I tried last year" mascara, they discontinue it, or change the packaging so that it might as well be discontinued because I can't find it. This year I finally gave in and have been trying out the way-too-expensive mascaras because the thought popped into my head that maybe, maybe mascara is worth spending money on in the same way that you can't half-ass your face moisturizer or your go-to black heels.

First, I tried Bad Gal's Blue mascara. I was originally headed there to pick it up in Black, but the crazy woman at the counter convinced me that with my blue eyes, the blue mascara would be absolutely stunning. I pointed out that she also had blue eyes, but was wearing black, and she entirely ignored the question and cheerfully started talking about how fantastic my lashes already were. So, for a few weeks I wore "stripper lashes" as my brother sweetly referenced them. By stripper lashes I mean that yes, in the light, my lashes looked bright blue - even though little blonde lady told me it would appear black. Always.

Pros: Awesome application brush. Great to have as a secondary mascara color for nights you go out & are wearing colorful eyeliner/shadow. Cons: Have to apply 2-3 coats to have it sufficiently "volumized!!!" Makes people question your morals and your career. If you would like to purchase it, here are the specs:

Benefit Bad Gal Blue $19

After the first month, I went back and exchanged it for the black. Short story here. I liked it a lot, but still was choking a bit over paying $20 for mascara that really didn't last me that long.

Benefit Bad Gal Black $19

Three days ago, I ran out of my Bad Gal and decided to check MAC's mascara even though I've been told by half the world that Bad Gal is the best on the planet. The awesome asian girl that always helps me at MAC told the cashier, "Lauren will be buying Opulash in black, please." So, that is what I bought. And it was $14, which is better than $19. And that purchase brings us to this post.

MAC's mascara is so much better than Bad Gal that I will most likely be wearing it until I have my third child and let myself go altogether, at which point I will go back to purchasing Bad Gal just for the name.

Go buy it.


Question for anyone actually reading this: Have you tried any of these three? Thoughts? Any others you recommend me try?



  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. :)

  2. PERFECT TIMING. My mascara is crusty and so old that the label has rubbed off but every time I buy a new one I hate it and end up going back to it. There is literally nothing left, so I'm going to grade up with this. Thanks!


  3. I love hearing about people's favorites and their experiences. {Especially when the experience is unfiltered & not sponsored by said product.} Only one thing missing from this post and that is mention of the awesomeness of an eyelash curler. Make-up like art is all about surface preparation. I've taught my daughter to spend money on skin care & good moisturizer {and a good, clean eyelash curler} After that, there's more margin in what you put on top...

    Also, I especially feel the need to point out that you most probably will not be one of those women who, "let themselves go"...Don't do it. Stop saying it. {there's too much power in what we put into the atmosphere.} Stay healthy and your self. {surface prep} and what you put on top will. not. define. you.

    You may even find that on some day in the unimaginable future when you're 40-something, {gasp} you go to the market with no mascara and nothing but your good skin care and your SELF... ;)

  4. Good to know. I've been using BadGal and while I like it, I don't love it. I think I like $7 drug store mascara just about as much.

    I'll go get the Mac stuff! My eyelashes are most definitely worth it!

  5. I've never tried either of these, but next time I need mascara I definitely will. I've been buying Dior's Diorshow mascara in black for a while now, and I really love it, and have a hard time using anything else. Although it is $25, which is a little much i know, it really does do it's job.

  6. This is SO useful to me. I'm not at ALL opposed to spending money on make up (I buy thrift store dresses and clearance tops but wear $50 foundation). But I never know where to start with mascara! As a natural blonde with blonde (read: invisible) lashes this little post excited me to no end :)

  7. This actually makes me want to buy Mac mascara!


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