Tuesday, March 9, 2010

+ confession time: my closet upgrades. +

Confession time. I've been spending money.

Everyone has a few select things they drop the extra cash on. Mine are (primarily) moisturizer, my glorious bed, lingerie, and shampoo.

This weekend, I added hangers to the list. That's right, hangers. I made a huge investment on Sunday afternoon to expand my closet space by building a customized Elfa system (post on this coming soon), and now I'm hooked on pretty hangers. At $1-$10 a pop (I get a discount but that's hushhush), it will take me awhile to phase out the dozens and dozens of old ones, but these are the bestest and greatest and they are here to make my life beautiful and organized!

You can click all three of these photos to go buy some for yourself!

Those last ivory ones (Ivory Huggables) come in a pack of 10 for $10 from The Container Store (same place as the rest) and are incredible for our little strappy things that slip and slide all over the place. My days of picking up fallen dresses and silky tops are over, and I'm ecstactic.


  1. This is awesome, you'll have to post a final product picture when everything's done! This blog is going in my favorites! hah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've been wanting to invest in cedar hangers...hasn't so much happened yet. Ah ha ha

  4. I'm a little hanging obsessed. I want everything in my closet to be hung. (Even work-out shirts, I'm nuts!)
    It's a good thing I don't own a ton of clothes otherwise this would be a huge problem space-wise. I think I used like maybe 4 drawers? Socks, undies, bras, and misc.

    I totally get the power of a good hanger! Definitely want to see your elfa closet!


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